ACTFL National Teacher Of The Year Award Information
State organizations in the SCOLT Region are invited to submit their candidate for consideration in the National Teacher of the Year Award sponsored by ACTFL. All nominees’ portfolios are due by January 15. All SCOLT regional candidates will be interviewed at the SCOLT annual conference, and the SCOLT candidate will be announced at this conference. World Languages Teachers for the Year must submit a portfolio and participate in the interview held at the annual SCOLT Conference to be considered for selection as the SCOLT World Languages Teacher of the Year.
Click here for more information about the SCOLT World Languages Teacher of the Year Guidelines.
The Bostick Award
To be eligible for the Bostick Award, teachers must be in their first to fifth year(s) of teaching dedicated to a long-term teaching commitment who have not yet attended a SCOLT conference, and who demonstrate a commitment to future conference participation as part of their professional development. Two teachers will be awarded conference registration during each annual SCOLT conference.
Deadline for applications is January 15.
The Center for Urban Language Teaching and Research (CULTR) is able to award grants for the 2025 conference to two teachers in their first to fifth years of teaching who have not yet attended a SCOLT conference. Each grant provides $250 to the recipient to offset conference expenses. Recipients will pay for registration and travel on their own and then will be reimbursed for expenses after the conference.
Deadline for applications is January 15.
Founders Award
The SCOLT Board of Directors presents the Founders Award when deemed appropriate to a member who has made significant contributions to SCOLT over the years and who exemplifies the spirit and ideals of the founders of the organization.
Educator of Excellence
The Educator of Excellence Award for Post-Secondary Educators, formerly known as the Teacher of Excellence Award, recognizes a current educator at the community college, college, and university level who has demonstrated excellence in language teaching, active participation in SCOLT, and leadership and advocacy at the local, state, and/or regional or national level. The nominating documents for this award include a letter of nomination, a statement from nominee of acceptance of nomination (paragraph), a CV/Resume, and two letters of support.
Nominate a colleague for the Educator of Excellence Award!
Deadline for applications is January 15.
Leadership Award
The SCOLT Leadership Award is given to a current K-12 educator who has demonstrated excellence in language teaching through service to the school, community, active participation in SCOLT, and leadership and advocacy at the local, state, and/or regional or national level. The nominating documents for this award include a letter of nomination, a statement from nominee of acceptance of nomination (paragraph), a CV/Resume, and two letters of support.
To nominate a colleague, please complete the nomination form today.
Deadline for applications is January 15.
Consider nominating a deserving colleague!
All award recipients will be recognized at the SCOLT Opening General Session on Friday, March 21, 2025.
Student Scholarships
SCOLT is proud to offer two scholarships to high school seniors and one scholarship to a current college/university student in the amount of $1000 each. The Ken Stewart and Vista Higher Learning Future Language Educator Scholarships are available for students who wish to pursue a career as a World Language teacher. Since 2019 Ken Stewart, former SCOLT Board member and ACTFL Teacher of the Year, has generously sponsored the Future Language Educator Scholarship for a high school senior. Beginning with the 2023 conference, Vista Higher Learning also sponsors Future Language Educator Scholarships, one for a high school senior and one for a higher education student! These generous sponsors allow the organization to support aspiring language teachers in important ways.
See Vista Higher Learning scholarship information here, and Ken Stewart scholarship information and previous recipients here. Submit an application for one of the scholarships with this form by January 31.
Teacher Travel Scholarships
Exciting News! Announcing returning and new scholarships for 2025!
Please click below for more information on each scholarship.
CIEL: Centre International d’Études de Langues de Strasbourg. The CIEL scholarship for French language study in beautiful and historic Strasbourg is available to teachers of French in levels K-16.
Centro MundoLengua: The scholarship is available to middle, high school, and post-secondary teachers who are currently teaching AP Spanish Language and Culture, or who plan to teach it in the near future.
Estudio Sampere: The scholarship is available to K-16 Spanish teachers. It provides four weeks of intensive study (20 lessons plus 4 cultural lessons) in Madrid.
Goethe Institut Scholarship: This scholarship, available to teachers of German in levels K-16, provides a one- or two-week professional development course at one of the 16 Goethe-Institutes in Germany.
Edu-Inter: This is a new scholarship for SCOLT! Edu-Inter offers French immersion programs for students and adults in Québec.
Latino Schools: (formerly Academia Latinoamericana) This scholarship consists of a two-week program in Cuzco, Perú and is for Spanish teachers in grades 11, 12, or the university level. Preference is given to non-native Spanish speakers.
Discounted study abroad for SCOLT conference attendees:
The Cemanahuac Educational Community: Note: This offering has changed from previous years. SCOLT conference attendees are eligible for a 20% discount of any two week or longer program at Cemanahuac Educational Community in Cuernavaca, Mexico. See this document for an explanation of programs and fees.
In addition to the language specific scholarships above, SCOLT is pleased to provide links to other opportunities available to educators. SCOLT does not endorse or advocate for any of these specific organizations, but rather are providing the links to you as a service to the profession.