We are currently seeking articles for submission to Dimensions.
Editor, Dr. Paula Garrett-Rucks (Georgia State University)
SCOLT acknowledges the work of the Dimensions editorial review board and thanks them for their service to the profession. Click here to see a list of current editorial review board members.
Dimensions 2026 Special Issue:
Focus on Plurilingual Language Learning: European and U.S. Perspectives
Coeditors: Dr. Paula Garrett-Rucks (Georgia State University, United States) and Dr. Christiane Fäcke (University of Augsburg, Germany)
This special issue of Dimensions will focus on plurilingual language learning and bridging language education fields from Europe and the United States. The intended purpose is to share an understanding of the terms plurilingual (individual) and multilingual (societal) widely used in Europe and internationally as they relate to the terms bilingual and multilingual (individual and societal) and translanguaging (action) that are more commonly used in the Anglophone world. This call for papers aims to inspire diverse researchers to share their understanding of theories, policies, practices, and what plurilingual language education might look like in different contexts (educational, geographical, political, etc.) comparatively or uniquely in their own state (U.S.) or country (Europe).
Accordingly, this special issue focuses on the following questions:
1. Which issues are most pressing to language education fields between the U.S. and Europe
and why?
2. In which way do social contexts, language policies, and language prestige influence
language education in the U.S. and in Europe?
3. In what ways does learning world/foreign languages (e.g., Arabic, French, Japanese, or
Spanish) compare in the U.S. to Europe?
4. What are the teaching practices in language education on both continents? How are
plurilingual aspects respected and practiced and why?
5. Which instructional and multilingual/plurilingual practices are most beneficial to increase
successful communication and relationship building?
Submissions guidelines can be found at: https://www.scolt.org/dimensions/. Access to previous publications (open access, indexed, highly visible format—annual reports from ERIC indicate nearly 3,000 downloads per year) is found at: https://www.scolt.org/scolt-dimensions-volumes/.
For additional information, please contact Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Paula Garrett-Rucks, at prucks@gsu.edu or Dimensions@SCOLT.org or Coeditor, Dr. Christiane Fäcke, at christiane.faecke@philhist.uni-augsburg.de.
Please contact the editors early with intent to submit. Priority will be given to submissions received by the August 1st, 2025 deadline.
Submissions guidelines can be found here.
For additional information on manuscript submission or the publication process, please contact the Editor, Paula Garrett-Rucks at prucks@gsu.edu or Dimensions@SCOLT.org.
SCOLT Dimension(s)* Volumes – Downloadable PDFs of all volumes from 2003 – present
Information is provided for former volumes beginning with 2003 and selected historical volumes of significance, such as 1985’s Research Within Reach: Research-guided Responses to the Concerns of Foreign Language Teachers, 1989’s Silver Anniversary Edition, and 1995’s Research Within Reach II. Also included are the first two volumes of Dimension from 1965 and 1966.
Guidelines for Preparing Manuscripts
APA Crib Sheet and Related Resources
*2023 name change from Dimension to Dimensions