Dimensions is the official refereed publication of the Southern Conference on Language Teaching (SCOLT). The purpose of Dimensions is to share timely research, pedagogical practices, and applied technology relevant to the teaching and learning of foreign languages. Articles selected for publication are refereed by reviewers who are respected, published foreign language professionals.
Editor, Dr. Paula Garrett-Rucks (Georgia State University)
Submitting an article for publication consideration
The editor of Dimensions, Dr. Paula Garrett-Rucks, Georgia State University, invites authors to submit an article for inclusion in the upcoming annual volume of Dimensions. If an author would like to submit an article, they must notify the editor at dimensions@scolt.org and submit the article by September 15. Manuscript submissions after the September 15 deadline may be considered for review upon editor consent. Please do not hesitate to contact the editor directly with questions.
Prospective authors must also submit a statement indicating that the manuscript…
- relates to teaching or learning foreign languages;
- is an original work;
- is not published in another publication; and
- is not under consideration for publication in any other source.
All submissions will be read and evaluated by at least three persons: the editor and selected members of the Editorial Board of Reviewers. The reviewers represent as many areas of the foreign language teaching profession as possible. Every attempt is made to send the article to reviewers who have some expertise in the subject addressed in the article.
Submission of an article for publication does not guarantee that it will be a part of the volume. Reviewers will be asked to make one of three recommendations regarding each article:
- publish as is [a rare occurrence];
- publish after revision/rewriting;
- do not publish.
When all reviewers’ ratings have been received, the editor makes the final decision regarding which articles will be published (in discussion with co-editor, when present). The decision may be based on considerations such as balance among articles of various types and their assessment of the article’s interest to both SCOLT conference attendees and the larger audience that Dimensions reaches. The decision to accept an article is based primarily on the ideas presented in the article. However, papers that follow the policies and guidelines are given preference.
General Policies
1. In order to be considered for publication, a paper must conform to the following policies:
- The article should be submitted by July 1 of the current year. (Deadline extensions are occasionally provided by the editor based on topic relevancy and journal space limitations.)
- The article must be written in English. Examples within the article may be written in other languages, but English translations of examples or quotations in languages other than English are required. Please italicize all examples or quotes in languages other than English.
- The article must conform to the style and format outlined in communications from the co-editors.
- The article must present original work that has not previously been published and that is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere. The editor will attempt to make decisions regarding the manuscripts submitted in a timely fashion so that the authors of articles not chosen for inclusion in Dimensions will be able to submit their manuscripts elsewhere.
2. All articles accepted for publication are subject to editing. There is a relatively fast turn-around time between when the author(s) receive the manuscript with comments, suggestions, and recommendations and when it is to be returned to the editor.
3. Time constraints may make it impossible to furnish galley proofs to authors.
4. The fact that a presenter’s article is not accepted for inclusion in SCOLT Dimensions will in no way affect the author’s participation in the conference program.
Timeline for Dimensions
- July 1: Preferred deadline for receipt of article for review for Dimensions.
- Mid-September: Author(s) notified of Editorial Board recommendation — acceptance, acceptance pending revisions, or rejection.
- Mid-December: Deadline for revisions of articles to be resubmitted.
- Mid-January: Dimensions sent to publisher.