*2023 name change from Dimension to Dimensions
Below please find PDF versions of all volumes of Dimension(s) from 2003 – current.
Garrett-Rucks, P. (Ed.) (2025)
SCOLT @ 60: A World Language Jam Session. Southern Conference on Language Teaching. (Dimensions, Volume 60). Online publication only
- Incorporating Extensive Reading into the Foreign Language Curriculum (Jane E. Hardy, Victoria Rodrigo)
- Demonstrating a Free Listing Data Collection Approach to Cultural Instruction (Gregory De La Piedra)
- Resources and Approaches for Integrating High-Leverage Teaching Practices: A Content Analysis (Sara Ahnell)
- Minoritized Students’ Internship Experiences in World Languages: A Call for Research (Mathias Guerreiro-Aires, Paula Garrett-Rucks)
- Why World Language Teachers Stay: Teacher Retention in West Virginia, Challenges and Opportunities (Laura Guglani)
Garrett-Rucks, P. and Kemp, J. A. (Eds.) (2024)
Elevate, Innovate, Celebrate. Special Issue: Focus on Bridging Language Education Fields. Southern Conference on Language Teaching. (Dimensions, Volume 59). Online publication only
- Bridging Language Education Fields: An Interview with Kim Potowski (Paula Garrett-Rucks, Jason A. Kemp)
- Bridging the Artificial Gap: TESOL Frameworks for World Language Education and Advocacy (Michele Back, Manuela Wagner)
- Border-Crossing in Language Teacher Education (Colleen Hamilton, Xiaoning Chen)
- Expanding Conversations: Experiential Learning Through Film in Asynchronous Online World Language Courses (Kelly F. Davidson, Karen Acosta)
- Bridging Instruction of the Spanish Subjunctive: Exploring Task Types for Heritage and L2 Learners (Sara Fernández Cuenca)
- An Examination of World Language Teacher Practices Regarding Instructional Delivery in the Target Language (Edris Brannen, Victoria Russell, Krista Chambless)
- Fostering Novice L2 Pleasure Reading: The Role of Comprehension, Text Difficulty, and Enjoyment (Victoria Rodrigo)
Garrett-Rucks, P. (Ed.) (2023)
Mobilize for Language Learning. Southern Conference on Language Teaching. (Dimensions, Volume 58). Online publication only
- Collaboration and Writing Development in L2 Spanish: A Microanalytic Perspective (Brian Olovson)
- Transformative Experiences of Beginner L2 Learners in the Italian Classroom for Social Justice (Giulia Negretto, Borbala Gaspar)
- Word Analysis: Contemplating the Word La Madre to Develop an Approach for the Instruction of Cultural Perspectives (Gregory De La Piedra)
- A Review of Language Practice Exercises within Commercially Available eBooks and Electronic Companion Practice (Carolyn Gascoigne)
- Multi-Level World Language Classes: Teacher Perspectives and Practical Solutions (Christina Huhn, Patricia Davis-Wiley)
Garrett-Rucks, P. and Russell, V. (Eds.) (2022)
Inclusion is About US All. Special Issue: Focus on Online, Hybrid, and Flipped Language Instruction. Southern Conference on Language Teaching. (Dimension, Volume 57). Online publication only
- Communicative Online Language Teaching in Disruptive Times: A Redesign of the Introductory Spanish Curriculum (Victoria Russell, Peter Swanson)
- The Start Here Module: Creating a First Day Impression in an Online Language Class (Sabrina Wengier)
- Teaching Languages Online During and After a Global Pandemic: Perspectives from Language Educators in Higher Education (Dieter A. Waldvogel, Tiffany Robayna)
- Teachers’ Perceived Advantages and Disadvantages of Emergency Remote Language Teaching (Jarom Hickenlooper and Teresa R. Bell)
- Instructors as Designers of Learning Experiences: A Case Study of a Flipped Intermediate Spanish Course (Nadia Jaramillo Cherrez)
- It Took a Village: A Demonstrated Need of Institutional Support for Successful Online Teaching (Gwendoline Aaron, Aria Zan Cabot, Daniele Forlino, Susana Solera Adoboe)
Garrett-Rucks, P. (Ed.) (2021)
Language through an Unfiltered Lens. Southern Conference on Language Teaching. (Dimension, Volume 56). Online publication only
- L2 Classroom Willingness to Communicate as a Predictor of Participatory Behavior (Ashley Shaffer)
- Perceptions and Practices in Language Teaching: A Survey of Experts in Literary and Cultural Studies (Justin P. White, Andrew J. DeMil, Geraldine Blattner)
- Connections: Exploring Charles Moravia’s Le fils du tapissier: épisode de la vie de Molière in the Introductory French Language Classroom (Jacob Abell, Stacey Margarita Johnson)
- Yo hablo el español de mi pueblo: A Conscious Curriculum for the Heritage Language Learner (Gabriela Moreno)
- Identifying and Placing Spanish Heritage Speakers: One Program’s Placement Test Approach (Oscar Moreno, Paula Garrett-Rucks)
Garrett-Rucks, P. and Randolph, Linwood J. (Eds.) (2020)
Languages: The Real Mobile App. Special Issue: Focus on Heritage Language Learners. Southern Conference on Language Teaching. (Dimension, Volume 55). Online publication only
- Introduction to Heritage Language Learning: An Interview with María Carreira (María Carreira, Paula Garrett-Rucks, Jason A. Kemp, Linwood J. Randolph, Jr.)
- Language, Culture, and Spanish Heritage Language Learners: Reframing Old Paradigms (Patricia MacGregor-Mendoza)
- University Students’ Experiences in Spanish Heritage Language Programs in the Midwest (Jason A. Kemp)
- Heritage Language Learners in a Mixed Class: Educational Affordances and Constraints (Elizabeth Goulette)
- Developing Writing in Spanish Heritage Language Learners: An Integrated Process Approach (Ariana Mrak)
- Writing Strategies to Develop Literacy Skills for Advanced Spanish Heritage Language Learners (Clara Burgo)
- Streamlining the Placement of Spanish Heritage Language Learners (Patricia MacGregor-Mendoza, Gabriela Moreno)
- Global Initiatives in North Carolina: The Impact on Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners (Charlotte R. Hancock, Kristin J. Davin, John A Williams, III, Chance W. Lewis)
Garrett-Rucks, P. (Ed) (2019)
Leaving Lasting Footprints. Southern Conference on Language Teaching. (Dimension, Volume 54). Online publication only
- InstaFrench: An Investigation of Learner Perceptions of Social Media and Images to Develop L2 Writing (Julie Carver)
- Teaching Grammatical Terminology: A Content Analysis of Popular French Textbooks (Alison Clifton)
- China through the Lens: Teaching Chinese Language and Culture through Film (Haning Z. Hughes)
- The Reading Comprehension Strategies of Second Language Learners: A Spanish-English Study (Karen Acosta)
- An Investigation of Teacher Practices for the Instruction of French as a Third Language among Spanish-Speaking Students (Anna Surin, Victoria Russell, Kelly F. Davidson)
Garrett-Rucks, P. and Johnson, Stacey M. (Eds.) (2018)
Proficiency: ATL – All The Levels. Special Issue: Focus on Social Justice and Critical Pedagogy. Southern Conference on Language Teaching. (Dimension, Volume 53). Online publication only
- An Interview with Terry A. Osborn (Stacey Margarita Johnson)
- Who Gets to Play? Issues of Access and Social Justice in World Language Study in the U.S. (Cassandra Glynn, Beth Wassell)
- High-Impact Practices in a Hispanic Linguistics Course: Facilitating Lessons about Linguistic Diversity and Advocacy (Stephanie M. Knouse)
- Disrupting Standard Practice: Queering the World Language Classroom (James Coda)
- Social Justice in Beginning Language Instruction: Interpreting Fairy Tales (Britta Meredith, Mareike Geyer, Manuela Wagner)
- Making Visible the Invisible: Social Justice and Inclusion through the Collaboration of Museums and Spanish Community-Based Learning Projects (Karina Elizabeth Vázquez, Martha Wright)
- Promoting Social Justice through 21st Century Skills: Thematic Units in the Language Classroom (Begoña Caballero-García)
Garrett-Rucks, P. (Ed.) (2017)
Languages: Your Global Fast Pass. Southern Conference on Language Teaching. (Dimension, Volume 52). Online publication only
- Social Justice in the Language Classroom: A Call to Action (Linwood J. Randolph Jr, Stacey Margarita Johnson)
- The Georgia Seal of Biliteracy: Exploring the Nexus of Politics and Language Education (Tim Jansa, Kristina Brezicha)
- Integrating Leadership and Foreign Language Literary Studies (Sheri Spaine Long, James Rasmussen)
- Designing L2 Reading Lab Courseware at the Intermediate Level (Concepciόn B. Godev)
- Learning Styles and Metacognitive Awareness: How They Affect the L2 Listening Process of At-Risk-Students in a Modified Foreign Language Program (MFLP) (William Keith Corbitt)
- The Effect of Pronunciation Instruction on the Perception of /s/ Aspiration (Christina Agostinelli-Fucile)
- Spanish ↔ English Translation Studies: An Adaptable Curricular Model (Michael Scott Doyle, Anton Pujol, Concepciόn B. Godev)
Garrett-Rucks, P. and Fantini, A. E. (Eds.) (2016)
New Levels, No Limits. Special Issue: Focus on Intercultural Competence. Southern Conference on Language Teaching. (Dimension, Volume 51). Online publication only
- Introduction: Expanding out Educational Goals: Exploring Intercultural Competence (Alvino E. Fantini, Paula Garrett-Rucks)
- Preparing Students for the Global Workplace: The Relevance of Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP) (Mary Risner, Carolina Egúsquiza)
- Exploring Collaborative Work for the Creation of Interdisciplinary Units Centered on Intercultural Citizenship (Manuela Wagner, Fabiana Cardetti, Michael Byram)
- Fostering Global Competence Among Pre-Service Language Teachers: A Compoarison of Teacher Beliefs and Practices Between Language Teachers from the U.S. and Spain (Victoria Russell, Sarah Allison, Ashley Jacobs, Kristina Wingate, Hilaria Taft)
- Developing and Evaluating Language Learners’ Intercultural Competence: Cultivating Perspective-Taking (Kristin Hoyt)
- Teaching Pragmatics with the Mi Vida Loca Video Program (Inmaculada Gómez Soler, Errol M. O’Neill)
- Service Learning: Overcoming Fears, Connecting with the Hispanic/Latino Community (Laura Guglani)
- Web 2.0 use to Foster Learners’ Intercultural Sensitivity: An Exploratory Study (Claire Mitchell)
- Investigating Products, Practices, Perspectives in a Simulated Moving Abroad Project (Sabine Smith)
Swanson, P. (Ed.) (2015)
All That Glitters is SCOLT: 50 Years of Language Teaching and Learning. Southern Conference on Language Teaching. ISBN 1-883640-29-6 Online publication only
- Those Were Some of the Hottest Days of My Life: The Genesis of SCOLT (Pete Swanson)
- SCOLT History 1990s – 2012 (Lynne McClendon)
- Leadership Development and Language Learning: A Foundational Framework (Sheri Spaine Long, LeAnn Derby, Lauren Scharff, Jean W. LeLoup, and Daniel Uribe)
- NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements: An Effective Tool for Improving Language Learning Within and Outside the Classroom Strategies (Aleidine J. Moeller, Fei Yu)
- Using Goal Setting and Task Analysis to Enhance Task-Based Language Learning and Teaching (Joan Rubin)
- Exploring Homework Completion and Non-Completion in Post-Secondary Language Study (Carolyn Gascoigne)
- Culture and Sustainability: Lessons from the Oyster and Other Metaphors (Vicki Galloway)
- Study Abroad as Professional Development: Voices of In-Service Spanish Teachers (Christopher J Jochum, Jared R. Rawlings, and Ana Maria Tejada)
- Changes in Beliefs about Language Learning and Teaching by Foreign Language Teachers in an Applied Linguistics Course (Laurel Abreu)
Hoyt, K. and Swanson, P. (Eds.) (2014)
Uniting the Corps: Uniting the Core. 2014. Southern Conference on Language Teaching. ISBN 1-883640-29-6 Online publication only
- Fusing Language Learning and Leadership Development: Initial Approaches and Strategies (Sheri Spaine Long, Jean W. LeLoup, LeAnn Derby, and Ramsamooj J. Reyes)
- Learning in Parallel: Using Parallel Corpora to Enhance Written Language Acquisition at the Beginning Level (Brody Bluemel)
- Student Attitudes and Perceptions of Using Facebook for Language Learning (Craig Gamble and Michael Wilkins)
- Influencing Students’ Pronunciation and Willingness to Communicate through Interpersonal Audio Discussions (Cindy E. Lepore)
- Perception of a Regional Spanish Sound: The Case of /s/-weakening (Angela George)
- Mutually Beneficial Service Learning: Language Teacher Candidates in a Local Community Center (Susan A. Hildebrandt)
- Extending the Classroom: Digital Micro-Narratives for Novice Language Learners (Felix Kronenberg)
- Skype Videoconferencing for Less Commonly Taught Languages: Examining the Effects on Students’ Foreign Language Anxiety (Joe Terantino)
Swanson, P. and Hoyt, K. (Eds.) (2013)
World Language Learning: Setting the Global Standard. 2013. Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. ISBN 1-883640-28-8
- Medical Spanish for U.S. Medical Students: A Pilot Case Study (Lauren Davidson and Sheri Spaine Long)
- From Orality to Literacy: A Curricular Model for Intensive Second-Year Collegiate Language Instruction (Per Urlaub and Jan Uelzman)
- The Academic Experiences of Native Spanish Speakers in the Traditional Spanish Classroom (Lealane Sanders and David Alley)
- Using Dictogloss to Advance Proficiency and Accuracy in Teaching Arabic (Ghassan Husseinali)
- The Effects of Interactive Note-taking on Increasing Rigor and Student Achievement for High School Foreign Language (Laura Droms)
- Online Translator Usage in Foreign Language Writing (Errol M. O’Neill)
- Encouraging TA’s to Embrace Communicative Language Teaching: An Investigation of Pre-service Training Practices (Paula Garrett-Rucks and Kerri McCoy)
- Evaluating Effective Teaching in the 21st Century World Language Classroom (Christina Huhn)
- A Snapshot of their Beliefs and Practices: Perspectives of Mississippi and Alabama Spanish Teachers (Kelly Moser, Jennifer Weir and Krista Chambless)
- Staying in the Target Language While Teaching Middle School and High School (William Worden)
Swanson, P. & Terry, R. (Eds.) (2012)
World Languages: Learners Wanted. 2012. Only published electronically
- Medical Spanish for U.S. Medical Students: A Pilot Case Study (Lauren Davidson and Sheri Spaine Long)
- From Orality to Literacy: A Curricular Model for Intensive Second-Year Collegiate Language Instruction (Per Urlaub and Jan Uelzman)
Wilkerson, C. & Swanson, P. (Eds.) (2011)
Got Languages? Powerful Skills for the 21st Century. 2011. Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. ISBN 1-883640-25-3
- 21st Century World Language Education: Issues of Target Language Use (Christina Huhn)
- Got Languages? Powerful Skills for the 21st Century (Lynne McClendon)
- Hybrid Language Teaching and Learning: Assessing Pedagogical and Curricular Issues (Joshua J. Thoms)
- Perceptions of the Culture and Communications Standards (Jana Sandarg and Carol Wilkerson)
- Service Learning and Foreign Language Acquisition: Working with the Migrant Community (Susan Wehling)
Wilkerson, C. (Ed.) (2010)
Communication Beyond the Classroom: Dimension 2010. Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. ISBN 1-883640-24-5
- Unifying Our Profession Through Standards: Writing the ACTFL/NCATE Report (Judith L. Shrum and Rebecca Fox)
- Student-Centered Instruction: Linking Career Goals and Instruction (Rosalie Cheatham)
- Language and Economic Development 2009 Keynote Address (Nico Wijnberg)
- SCOLT Through the Ages: 1990-2010 (Lee Bradley and Lynne McClendon)
- A Thematic Index of Dimension: 1980-2009 (C. Maurice Cherry)
Wilkerson, Carol (Ed.) (2009)
Empowerment through Collaboration: Dimension 2009. Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. ISBN 1-883640-23-7.
- A New Look at Translation (Catherine Fountain and Anne Fountain)
- Establish Your Presence in the Blogosphere: A Guide to Blog Development for the Foreign Language Classroom (Peter Swanson and Patricia Early)
- Using Blogs to Enhance Foreign Language (Carol Semonsky, Susan Boutier and Zachary Jones)
- The SCOLT Assessment Project: Working Smarter Not Harder (Greg Duncan and Lynne McClendon)
- Preparing Students for the Teacher Licensure Exam: It’s More Than Just Content (Jana Sandarg and Judith Schomber)
- The Center for Economic Development and Support for Foreign Language Careers and Languages (Mike Petro)
- Careers and Languages (Lynne McClendon)
Cherry, C. M. & Wilkerson, Carol (Eds.) (2008)
Languages for the Nation: Dimension 2008. Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. ISBN 1-883640-22-9.
- Drama in the Classroom and Improved Academic Performance (Dennis R. Miller, Jr.)
- An Analysis of the Teaching Proficiency Through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS) Method (David Alley and Denise Overfield)
- Technoconstructivism and the Millennial Generation: Creative Writing in the Foreign Language Classroom (Edwina Spodark)
- Technology for Oral Assessment (Patricia Early and Peter B. Swanson)
- The Teacher Work Sample in Foreign Language Education (Marat Sanatullov)
- Connecting a Standards-Based Curriculum with Student Performance and Assessment (Rosalie Cheatham)
- The National Security Language Initiative and Less Commonly Taught Languages (Elvira Sanatullova-Allison)
- The Belgian Connection (Lisa Signori)
Cherry, C. M. & Bradley, L. (Eds.) (2007)
From Practice to Profession: Dimension 2007. Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. ISBN 1-883640-21-0.
- NCSSFL’s LinguaFolio Project (Jacque Bott Van Houten)
- Misperceptions of Attitudes Toward Language Study (Carolyn Gascoigne)
- Student Perspectives on Foundation Issues in Articulation (Nike Arnold)
- Germany’s Multicultural and Multiracial Issues (Catherine T. Johnson)
- Representation of Latino Culture in Introductory High School Textbooks (Patricia Thomas)
- Maya and Nahuatl in the Teaching of Spanish: Expanding the Professional Perspective (Anne Fountain and Catherine Fountain)
- A 21st Century Approach to Integrating Culture and Communication (Rosalie M. Cheatham)
- Integrating Stories with Multimedia into the French Language Classroom (Marat Sanatullov and Elvira Sanatullova-Allison)
Cherry, C. M. (Ed.) (2006)
Languages for Today’s World: Dimension 2006. Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. ISBN 1-883640-20-2.
- Engaging Students in the L2 Reading Process (Marcia L. Wilbur)
- FLTEACH Project: Online Database of Model Lessons with Cultural Content (Jean LeLoup and Robert Ponterio)
- Use of Blogs in L2 Instruction (Zachary JOnes and Bernice Nuhfer-Halten)
- Developing a Contemporary French Civilization Course: An Annotated Review of Internet Resources (Kenneth A. Gordon)
- The Roads to Compostela: An Immersion Experience in Germany, France, and Spain (Steven M. Gardner, Carlos Mentley and Lisa F. Signori)
- Talking About Music: Ethnographic Interviews on Traditional Hispanic Songs (Paula Heusinkveld)
- Teaching and Learning American Sign Language in U. S. Schools (Rebecca Burns-Hoffman, Jennifer JOnes and Christie Cohn)
Cherry, C. M. & Bradley, L. (Eds.) (2005).
Languages and Language Learners. Dimension 2005. Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. ISBN 1-883640-18-0.
- Effect of FLEX Programs on Elementary Students’ Attitudes Toward Foreign Languages and Cultures (Krista S. Chambless)
- Developing Vocabulary Beyond the Word (Marian M. Brodman)
- The Reading Process: Realistic Expectations for Reading in Lower-Level Languages Classes (Robert M. Terry)
- Improving Foreign Language Writing Competence (Carmen Schlig)
- Using Computer Translation Websites to Further the Objectives of the Foreign Language Standards (David C. Alley)
- Rebuilding a Dying Foreign Language Education Program (Karen Verkler)
- Graduate Teaching Assistant Training: Pathways to Success (Darrell J. Dernoshek and Lara C. Ducate)
- Assessment and Assessment Design 1994-2004: An Annotated Bibliography (Carol Wilkerson; with Sue Barry, Gladys Lipton, Carol Semonsky and Sheri Spaine Long)
Cherry, C. M. & Bradley, L. (Eds.). (2004).
Assessment practices in foreign language education: Dimension 2004. Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. ISBN: 1-883640-17-2
- No child left behind in foreign language education (Lynne McClendon)
- Using learner and teacher preparation standards to reform a language major (Rosalie M. Cheatham)
- Student electronic portfolio assessment (Denise Egéa-Kuehne)
- Assessing readiness of foreign language education majors to take the Praxis II exam (Carol Wilkerson, Judith H. Schomber and Jana Sandarg)
- The TPR test: Total physical response as an assessment tool (Scott Grubbs)
- Assessing the impact of narrow listening: Students’ perceptions and performance (Victoria Rodrigo)
- Accounting for Activity: Cognition and oral proficiency assessment (MIguel Mantero)
- Building bridges for international internships (Sharron Gray Abernethy)
Cherry, C. M. & Bradley, L. (Eds.). (2003).
Models for excellence in second language education: Dimension 2003. Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. ISBN: 1-883640-15-6
- The Transnational Classroom: Connecting People, Languages, and Cultures (Lourdes Sánchez-López and Jessica Ramos-Harthun)
- Creating a Language Learning Community Within and Beyond the Classroom (Denise M. Overfield)
- Stepping Out of the Classroom to Increase Spanish Language Skills and Cultural Awareness (Betina Kaplan and Teresa Pérez-Gamboa)
- Merging Foreign Language Theory and Practice in Designing Technology-Based Tasks (Lara Lomicka, Gillian Lord and Melanie Manzer)
- Creating Narrated Multimedia Presentations in the Second and Foreign Language Class (Janet Flewelling)
- INTASC Model Foreign Language Standards for Beginning Teacher Licensing and Development (Carmen Chaves Tesser and Marty Abbott)
- Alternative Teacher Preparation Programs in Foreign Languages (Anja Bernardy and Elaine McAllister)
- Group Study Abroad and Thematic Units (Sue Barry)
C. Maurice Cherry, ed. 2002.
Cyberspace and foreign languages: Making the connection. Dimension 2002. Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. ISBN: 1-883640-13-X
- Connecting Through Cyberspace: Correspondence Projects for Beginning and Intermediate Students
- Tradition and Technology in Language Teaching
- From Language Lab to Multimedia Lab: Oral Language Assessment in the New
- Idiom Instruction Through Multimedia and Cultural Concepts
- Online Writing and Reading: Powerful Communicative Tools for L2 Acquisition
- Contextualizing Culture: Using Authentic Resources to Develop Cultural Awareness
- Project-Based Learning in the Foreign Language Classroom
- The Effect of Songs on Text Recall and Involuntary Mental Rehearsal in Foreign Language Learning
- Teacher Academies: Professional Development for a Community of Learners
C. Maurice Cherry, ed. 2001.
The Odyssey Continues: Dimension 2001. Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. ISBN: 1-883640-11-3
- Four Decades of Foreign Language Education: Are We Still at Cheese Station N?
- Teaching French with the Internet: What the Students Want vs. What They Do
- Learning Behind the Screen: Computers, Conversations, Communities
- The ABC’s of Total Physical Response Storytelling
- Understanding Hispanic Culture Through Music: The Theme of Nostalgia
- Enhancing the Study of International Business, Foreign Languages, and the Nonlanguage Aspects of Intercultural Communication
- Formative Foreign Language Program Evaluation: Dare to Find Out How Good You Really Are
C. Maurice Cherry, ed. 2000
New Millenniumn, New Directions: Dimension 2000. Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. ISBN: 1-883640-09-1
- A systematic approach to second language vocabulary instruction
- Listening training for language learners: The Tomatis approach to second language acquisition
- Thinking together: Student interaction during the FL writing process
- The European Union and the second language curriculum of the 21st century
- Making cultural learning authentic: Going beyond stereotype and anecdote
- Correcting the problem of freeze-frame cultural stereotyping: Case study “Martinique
- Extramural standards: Foreign language learning beyond the classroom
- A case study of reflection in supervision: Does it have any relationship to interns’ reflectivity?
Alley, David and C. Maurice Cherry, eds. 1999
Connections Beyond the Foreign Language Classroom: Dimension 99. Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. ISBN 1-883640-08-3
- Intercultural communities: Rethinking Célestin Freinet
- Beyond the foreign language: Making connections through recorded oral histories
- Information into action: Ideas for the business language class
- Service-learning and foreign language acquisition: Working with the migrant community
- Paving the way for a successful study abroad Experience: A cross-cultural orientation model
- Connecting beyond the classroom: Using the internet to conduct independent study language courses
- Academic alliances and articulation: Communicating across educational sectors
- Foreign language instruction and block scheduling
Alley, David and Paula Heusinkveld, eds. 1998.
- Communications, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, Communities: Dimension 98. Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. ISBN 1-883540-07-5. LCCN 98-060926
- From rhetoric to reality: Applying AATSP standards to the Spanish classroom
- Standards for teaching cultures: The national standards and the AATF framework
- New directions in the study of French: Toward a Francophone revolution
- Accessing culture and linguistic input from foreign language literary texts in the beginning language classroom
- Personalizing foreign language instruction with WWW home pages
- Use of writing assistant software: An effective tool in improving writing?
- Connecting content areas via music in the elementary foreign language class
- Using the national standards to improve foreign language articulation: An alternative to placement exams
Terry, Robert M., ed. 1997.
Addressing the Standards for Foreign Language Learning: Dimension 97. Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. ISBN 1-883640-08-7. LCCN 97-066865
- Developing tomorrow’s technology-using foreign language teachers: Where we are, where we are going
- Foreign language placement in postsecondary institutions: Addressing the problem
- Pedagogy and the emerging Spanish canon
- A French culture course in English: Strategies and resources
- A task-based communicative approach in FLES
- Vive le français: Strategies for recruiting and retaining students in French classes
- Small world language and culture for children: FLEX and the new standards
Galloway, Vicki and Carol Herron, eds. 1995.
Research within reach II: Reseach- guided responses to the concerns of foreign language teachers. Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. ISBN 1-883640-03-2. LCCN 94-61312
This exciting volume is a survey of experts’ ideas on foreign language teaching, full of research-guided responses to the questions teachers and professors ask most often. Its eleven chapters are easy reading and offer succinct resumes of what experts have to say about language teaching. Chapters include:
- Research within the teacher’s reach (Donna Johnson)
- Learning processes and learner strategies (Joan Rubin)
- Instructional technologies (James P. Pusack and Sue K. Otto)
- Teaching for cultural diversity (Genelle Morain)
- Listening (Eilen W. Glisan)
- Reading (Marva A. Barnett)
- Speaking (Myriam Met)
- Writing (Virginia Scott)
- Grammar (L. Kathy Heilenman)
- Vocabulary (Thomas C. Cooper)
- Testing (June K. Phillips)
Slick, Sam L. and Richard B. Klein, eds. 1993.
Managing the foreign language department: A Chairperson’s primer. Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. ISBN 1-883640-00-8. LCCN 93-84304
This is a book that will fascinate current and aspiring department heads. This compendium of wisdom and experience is an excellent survey of the profession and the world of work in languages, foreign language education, and literatures in today’s universities and colleges. Although written by colleagues from the postsecondary level, the material is so global in scope that public and private school teachers and administrators can enjoy this book. Among the chapters are:
- Recruiting, Hiring, and Evaluation Faculty
- Grantsmanship
- Foreign Languages and Liberal Arts
- What a Dean Expects from a Department
- Putting a Troubled Department Back on Course
- Chairing the Small Department +Networking in Professional Associations and Meetings
- Legal Issues: Employment Discrimination and Harassment
- Spanish vs. French vs. German vs. Russian vs. Chinese vs. Japanese: The Blissfulness of Multiculturalism
- Study Abroad Programs
- How Long to Stay on the Job
Fryer, T. Bruce and Frank W. Medley, Jr, eds. 1989.
Perspectives and Horizons Dimension: Languages ’89. Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching.
This is the Silver Anniversary Edition of Dimension and includes the following articles:
- SCOLT: The First Ten Years, 1964-74 (Herman F. Bostick)
- Language Teaching: Concepts, Problems, Opportunities (Nelson Brooks)
- A World Without Walls (Lorraine A. Strasheim)
- SCOLT: Years of Progress, 1975-1989 (James S. Gates)
- Multi-Sensory Exercises: An Approach to Communicative Practice (Theodore B. Kalivoda)
- The Reusable Communication Format (Barbara Gonzalez)
- The Symposium on the Evaluation of Foreign Language Proficiency: Challenges to the Profession (Albert Valdman)
- Using Authentic Materials to Develop Functional Proficiency in Writing (John I. Liontas)
- Loosening the Leash on Writing: The Adult Language Learner (Carol Strauss-Sotiropoulos)
- A New Approach Toward Foreign Language TA Supervision (Ken Fleak and Carolyn Hansen)
- SCOLT: Perspectives for the Future, 1990+ (Robert Terry)
Cooper, Thomas C., ed. 1985.
Research Within Reach: Research-guided Responses to the Concerns of Foreign Language Teachers. Athens, GA: Agee Publishers Inc. Southern Conference on Language Teaching. ISBN unknown
This special volume marks collaboration between the Southern Conference on Language Teaching and ACTFL. The purpose of the volume was to respond to teacher practitioners about their urgent questions about language teaching and learning. The questions were determined by surveying more than 230 language supervisors and consultants, and editors of professional journals and state newsletters. Collaborators on the volume included: Howard B. Altman, Kenneth Chastain, Thomas C. Cooper, Ernest Frechette, Carol Herron, Elizabeth Joiner, Frank Medley, Genelle Morain and H. Jarold Weatherford. Topics addressed in this unique volume include:
- Learner Variables and Language Acquisition
- Skill Development and Content
- Learning Environment
- Benefits of Foreign Language Study
- List of Selected Questions and Teacher Concerns
Newell, Sanford., ed. 1966.
Dimension: Languages 66: Proceedings of the 2nd Southern Conference on Language Teaching; Atlanta, February 1966. Spartanburg, SC: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. ISBN unknown
Chatagnier, Louis., ed; Bostick, Herman and Bonner, Oscar, co-eds. 1965.
Dimension: Languages 65: Proceedings of the 1st Southern Conference on Language Teaching; Atlanta, February 1965. Atlanta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. ISBN unknown